
Wednesday, January 16, 2019

SLJ Predator Free 2050- A Call To Arms Activity 1 Day 3 Week 4

The video choice was hard because I liked these two videos > First Video  Second Video
But I chose the first video. I liked that video because some people are trying to keep predators away from kiwis eggs and kiwis as well.

1 comment:

  1. Heya Taya,

    Well done for finishing this Summer Learning Journey activity, 'Predator Free 2050 - A Call To Arms' and for telling us which Predator Free video you liked best. I really appreciate that you've added in two links for both videos, how very thoughtful of you! Thanks for telling us why you liked the first video, too. It is great that people are trying to help our native kiwi by keeping predators away from them and their eggs.
    Can you tell me anything else about the kiwi?


