
Tuesday, January 15, 2019

SLJ Guardians Of The Sea Activity 2 Day 1 Week 4

I am not sure weather Taniwha's are real or not because Taniwha's could be another animal but in Maori it is Taniwha, and it could just be lies that their real. If you know anything about taniwha's please let me know in the comments.

1 comment:

  1. Kia Ora Taya!

    Well done for finishing this SLJ activity, 'Guardians of the Sea' and for telling us whether or not you think that the taniwha is real. I don't blame you for being uncertain whether or not they're real— the video provided make them seem as though they could be just another creature in a fairy tale, however in Māori mythology, the taniwha is explicitly real. Do you know the haka? Well, if you do, then you'd like the 'pukana' — it is what I'm starting to do in my profile picture that is next to my name. This pukana has been taken from the image of the taniwha and is present all throughout Māori culture. Māori also firmly believe that the taniwha protect our rivers and our waters. It may sound like a superstition to many, so I guess that it depends on whether or not you have strong connections to Māori culture.
    Would you say you have strong connections to Māori culture?

    I look forward to your other posts :)


