Friday, February 8, 2019
Wednesday, January 23, 2019
SLJ Concluding The Journey Activity 3 Day 5 Week 4
Hi everyone this is the very last activity on SLJ yay. So here is what I need to do. I am going to list four particular things about what I have learnt and all of that stuff so here we go.
1. What is one thing that you learned from participating in the Summer Learning Programme this year?
That there are only 63 Maui Dolphins left in the planet lots of it because fishers catch them sometimes on accident.
2. What is one thing that surprised you?
That air pollution is mostly caused by many different things.
3. What is one thing that concerns you or made you upset?
That lots of amazing birds are endangered and at high risk.
4. What is one thing that you (or your family) can do, moving forward, to help protect our natural environment?
To help protect our natural environment my family and me can not give kauri die-back to trees because there is already Mound Building Termites.
Thank you Jordan and your team for creating this awesome Programme. I thank you because you have created some thing cool and something to do when I stay home, taking your time to actually look at each students work and helping us learn in a fun and in our own kind of way.
1. What is one thing that you learned from participating in the Summer Learning Programme this year?
That there are only 63 Maui Dolphins left in the planet lots of it because fishers catch them sometimes on accident.
2. What is one thing that surprised you?
That air pollution is mostly caused by many different things.
3. What is one thing that concerns you or made you upset?
That lots of amazing birds are endangered and at high risk.
4. What is one thing that you (or your family) can do, moving forward, to help protect our natural environment?
To help protect our natural environment my family and me can not give kauri die-back to trees because there is already Mound Building Termites.
Thank you Jordan and your team for creating this awesome Programme. I thank you because you have created some thing cool and something to do when I stay home, taking your time to actually look at each students work and helping us learn in a fun and in our own kind of way.
SLJ Restricted Access Activity 3 Day 4 Week 4
Hi, for today's SLJ activity I am going to write about weather I think it is fair for the government to ban this beautiful site. I am not sure weather I think it is fair because I think it may not be fair to be banned because it is quite beautiful but I may be fair because you never know what a tourist might do because lots of tourist are respectful but like it says on the website tourist have destroyed the beautiful sight. Here is a picture of the sight.
SLJ The Plastic Pledge Activity 2 Day 4 Week 4
Hi, for today's SLJ activity I am going to ask a family member about what they think on Countdowns Plastic bag free Idea. My sister Ava said that it is a good Idea because plastic bags are one of the main things that can cause animals like turtles to die by thinking is is a jellyfish.
SLJ Campaigning for Conservation activity 1 Day 4 Week 4
Hi, today's SLJ activity is about choosing a Campaign from the website Forest and birds Campaigns.
The Campaign I am making a slogan for is The Zero Carbon Act. This is about pollution.
Pollution is not what we want so we need a solution.
Tuesday, January 22, 2019
SLJ Adopting Day Activity 2 Day 5 week 4
Today's activity for SLJ is adopting day, this is were I have to list down three animals that I want to adopt and then I compare their prices I think that is how to do it so let's do this.
1. A Snowy owl, their adopting pack price to help save them is $55

2. A Jaguar, their adopting pack price to help save them is also $55

3. Now lastly the African Rhino Calf, their adopting pack price to help save them is once again $55
The similar thing about these animals is that their all the same price for the pack, they are the most popular to the packs as well and they have similar eye sizes.
The one I would adopt would be the snowy owl because I like owls.
1. A Snowy owl, their adopting pack price to help save them is $55

2. A Jaguar, their adopting pack price to help save them is also $55

3. Now lastly the African Rhino Calf, their adopting pack price to help save them is once again $55
The similar thing about these animals is that their all the same price for the pack, they are the most popular to the packs as well and they have similar eye sizes.
The one I would adopt would be the snowy owl because I like owls.
Monday, January 21, 2019
SLJ Environment day- Beat Plastic Pollution Activity 1 Day 5 Week 4
Hi, today for my SLJ activity I have to list three things that I can do to help save the planet.
1. I can convince my family to stop using plastic bags when we go shopping and just use rag bags instead.
2. Use reusable containers for my lunch in stead or using glad rap.
3. Use BP free drink bottles instead of normal drink bottles.
SLJ The Power Of Ten Activity 3 Day 3 Week 4
The ten animals I would keep from extinction would be:
1. Tarsier's because they look old and there might not be lots left.
2. Elephant's because their big and because people kill them and take the tusks off and sell them.
3. Toucan's because they have such beautiful beaks and people would probably try to shoot them ad cut their beaks off and sell them.
4. Rhinoceros's because once again people probably kill them and take their horns.
5. Snow Wolf's because they are so cute and they probably get shot a lot i their roaming around and some spots them.
1. Tarsier's because they look old and there might not be lots left.
2. Elephant's because their big and because people kill them and take the tusks off and sell them.
3. Toucan's because they have such beautiful beaks and people would probably try to shoot them ad cut their beaks off and sell them.
4. Rhinoceros's because once again people probably kill them and take their horns.
5. Snow Wolf's because they are so cute and they probably get shot a lot i their roaming around and some spots them.
6. Shark's because they are so old older than dinosaur's in fact so they are could to be extinct by 2050.
7. Peacock's because they are so beautiful and people might pay someone to shoot them and take the birds feather's.
8. Flamingo's because they are so strong holding themselves up with those thin legs.
9. Leopard's because they may be fierce but they get killed a lot by predators.
10. White Tiger's because they look so rare and people probably try to kill them and take their fur.
Thursday, January 17, 2019
SLJ Protecting The Most Vulnerable-Fact or Fiction? Activity 2 Day 3 Week 4
There are only 63 Maui Dolphins left on the planet, People say these Dolphins will be extinct by 2033, fishing is the biggest threat to Maui Dolphins, when these dolphins call another dolphin three more come, they are known by their patterns on their back and these dolphins can change colour if their happy.
Wednesday, January 16, 2019
SLJ Predator Free 2050- A Call To Arms Activity 1 Day 3 Week 4
The video choice was hard because I liked these two videos > First Video Second Video
But I chose the first video. I liked that video because some people are trying to keep predators away from kiwis eggs and kiwis as well.
But I chose the first video. I liked that video because some people are trying to keep predators away from kiwis eggs and kiwis as well.
Tuesday, January 15, 2019
SLJ A House Is Not A Home Activity 3 Day 2 Week 4
The Project I am most interested in is the conserving the tonkin snub-nosed monkey in Vietnam because the monkeys are endangered and people are trying to help the monkeys witch is so kind.
These are the monkeys the Fauna and Flora International are trying to help.
These are the monkeys the Fauna and Flora International are trying to help.
SLJ Protective Plants Activity 2 Day 2 Week 4
There are five veggies and five fruits I would plant in my garden. Some of the fruits and veggies are on trees if that counts on growing in a garden. The five fruits are Strawberry's, Plums, Blueberry's, Lemons and Grapes. Lastly the five veggies I would plant would be Carrots, Lettuce, this one may be hard to grow somewhere but it is Corn, Potatoes and Onions.
SLJ A Flying Fox Activity 1 Day 2 Week 4
I would feel quite excited getting to ride this zip line because it looks really long and there are lots of trees so I can crash into them. This zip-line is in Rotorua Canopy Tours.Here is a picture on the zip line.
SLJ The Sky In Shanghai Activity 3 Day 1 Week 4
Hi today for my SLJ activity I am going to write a poem about travelling to Beijing, China. This poem is also about how I feel for the people in this country.
When I go for trips I would of never thought of this, the air was quite thick even though when you think about this weather it looks as light as a feather. I feel quite sad about the air in the country but I also thought it is not fair for the people who breathed in the air and even sadder if their family did not care.
SLJ Guardians Of The Sea Activity 2 Day 1 Week 4
I am not sure weather Taniwha's are real or not because Taniwha's could be another animal but in Maori it is Taniwha, and it could just be lies that their real. If you know anything about taniwha's please let me know in the comments.
Monday, January 14, 2019
SLJ World Of Wearable (WOW) Arts Activity 1 Day 1 Week 4
The five questions I would like to ask Dame Suzie Moncrieff would probably be...
1. What was you most resent outfit that you made if any?
2. What is your favourite design that you have ever made?
3. How did you feel when you created WOW ?
4. In your own words what was the wearable arts shows for?
5. Do you liked being famous since you created this show
Sunday, January 13, 2019
SLJ Let It Rain Activity 3 Day 5 Week3
New Zealand was hit my a acid rain storm. It poured out acidic rain for about three nights and three days. Once the rain stopped me and my family decided to go for a walk. My whole family got ready for the walk they wore a whole bunch of different clothing items. Some wore winter clothes then the other clothes summery clothes and I just wore random clothes. But when we opened the door...
We felt so happy because we got to stand in fresh air. It was crazy at first because I still smelt a little breeze of gases. When they eventually left mt scent me and my family went for the walk we planed. When we crossed to the next street we saw a ambulance and this man getting strolled in to the truck. I felt so bad because I thought that this man stood directly in the rain and then the next day he goes to hospital. Anyways me and my family only went for a short walk because we were still a bit tired from being frighted. So we didn't see much things once we walked back home I thought to myself '' I hope this never happens again''.
We felt so happy because we got to stand in fresh air. It was crazy at first because I still smelt a little breeze of gases. When they eventually left mt scent me and my family went for the walk we planed. When we crossed to the next street we saw a ambulance and this man getting strolled in to the truck. I felt so bad because I thought that this man stood directly in the rain and then the next day he goes to hospital. Anyways me and my family only went for a short walk because we were still a bit tired from being frighted. So we didn't see much things once we walked back home I thought to myself '' I hope this never happens again''.
Saturday, January 12, 2019
SLJ Changing Climates Activity 2 day 5 Week 3
The five things I do when it is raining is: go on my Chromebook, play board games, play with my little sister Dallas (chasing her), Draw random things and try to find things to do but never find anything.
SLJ Persistent Pollution Activity 1 Day 5 Week 3
The three things I learnt about air pollution is that lots of the air pollution is from humans doing things like people burning fossil fields then it creates Greenhouse gases into the air, another one is smog it is a air pollution that can lead up to things like if you breath some of it in it could have quite serious heath affects and the last one is Toxic pollutants.
Friday, January 11, 2019
SLJ Notice to jordan
Sorry I have not been posting on my blog for Summer Learning Journey I will do it all on Saturday and Sunday to catch up because I am far back. Thank you mostly Jordan
SLJ Crazy Cool Clouds Activity 3 Day 4 Week 3
What I see in this cloud picture is like an old toy rabbit that got used a lot and that is worn out and sits in a basement in a box that says old toys. Then I also see that the eye is quite unique than any other toy because it's eye is quite large and it glows. Then lastly the legs and the arms are sort of going up like it is scratching it's ear and it's belly.
SLJ The Seven Sisters Activity 2 Day 4 Week 3
This story (The Seven Stars Of Matariki) was about eight brother. the eighth brother was much wiser than the other seven. The brothers went hunting on a hill and found seven beautiful women. All of the women had long golden locks and white skin. All the men fall in love with each women except the youngest. The youngest warned his brothers but they did not listen. The youngest searched for the women but they were no where to be found. Then the next day he followed the wife's from after their disappearance and was behind a tree. He waited and then all the sisters (the women) transformed from a bird into themselves. The women had planed to do something horrible. The next day all the brothers had a net wide open that they got yesterday to catch their wives and put them into the sky forever. Once all the women got caught in the net the brothers tied up the net and gave it to the sky god. The the god trapped the Seven Sisters in the sky forever.
SLJ The Southern Lights Activity 1 Day 4 Week 3
Late at night if you want to see it
In the sky shining bright
Green dancing veils around the light in the sky
Horizon witch it is bright
They have a green and pink shade over the horizon
Tuesday, January 8, 2019
SLJ Wind Beneath My Wings Activity 3 Day 3 Week 3
This is my DLO about Flying Foxes but you can also call them Fruit Bats.
Monday, January 7, 2019
SLJ Flying foxes Activity 2 Day 3 Week 3
I would like to have many superpowers but the one I would most have would be healing a person because I don't like seeing people sick or hurt especially the people that I love in my life.
Sunday, January 6, 2019
SLJ The Bird of the year Activity 1 Day 3 Week 3
The Fairy Terns catch gobies, elvers and other small coastal or estuarine fish, shrimps and juvenile flounder To eat.
These birds lay eggs and on different beaches (sand) around New Zealand.
This is the picture of my bird I chose for this activity.
The Fairy Tern
SLJ Flying Fungi Activity 3 Day 2 Week 3
The way I think that I worked it out was I did 5+5=10 that is two different moulds gone so lets double that. That means four of the moulds gone three more so right now we have 20 Days and so we will do one more 5+5=10 so we have six moulds gone. Put in another 5 days a there you have it the answer is 35 Days.
SLJ Carbon sinks don't stink activity 2 Day 2 week 3
The foods I would put in my special draining sink would be:
Food scraps like
strawberry parts, Oranges, tomatoes, plums, avocados chicken skin not chicken bones, macaroni and cheese, toast, noodles and lots much.
This is my list of foods I would put down the sink.
SLJ Bee Informed activity 1 Day 2 Week 3
- The word ‘bumblebee’ is a compound word (bumble + bee). The word ‘bumble’ means to Move in a clumsy way.
- Bumblebees can fly very quickly. They can reach ground speeds of 10.8 - 16.2 kilometres per hour (km/h).
- Bumblebees are very strong! They carry up to 15 percent of their body weight in food with them to avoid starvation.
- Bumblebees can do more work and carry more pollen than other bees, including honeybees. In fact, they can do up to multiple times as much work as a normal honeybee.
- The number of bumblebees is declining in New Zealand due to a number of factors, including the honeybees.
Wednesday, January 2, 2019
SLJ You are my sunshine activity 2 Day 1 Week 3
The five things you can do protect yourself from thee sun is:
1. If you are sitting down at the park outside sit under a tree for shade
2. Put some Sunglasses on so your eyes don't get sun burn because it really hurts
3. Wear a hat so you can have a bit of shade were ever you go
4. You could also have lots of water so you don't get dihidrated in a very hot place
5. Put sunblock all over you just you get a extra load of protection
Those are all of my answers, I do not know if the number 4 one is a way to protect yourself from the sun but that is okay.
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